The Joy of Journaling: Obu Ramaraj
Journaling consistently can be tough, and I completely relate to Obu’s challenges with writing regularly. The trick is starting small, as Obu did when she started journaling to capture her affirmations. Here are some of Obu’s other journaling insights:
1. Why do you keep a journal? What do you think are the main advantages of journaling?
I keep a journal to help me find solutions and also pour out my thoughts (without necessarily talking to another human being).
2. How long have you kept a journal for and why did you start?
I’ve kept a journal for over 5 years, but my journaling has evolved over time. Initially, I started this practice to write out affirmations every day.
3. How often do you write in your journal – have you established a regular habit, or do you just write when you need to? How much do you write?
Over the last 2 years, it is a habit I reach out to when I need it. As to the content and how much, I let it flow freely.
4. What sort of journal do you write in? Do you write by hand in a notebook or electronically on your computer or other device?
I usually have a book of some sort and write by hand. Sometimes the book lasts for a year, sometimes I get a new one through the year.
5. Do you have any challenges journaling, e.g. not writing as consistently as you’d like, not having time to write, not knowing what to write, finding the right journal, etc.
My challenge is that I want to write more consistently because I have got into the habit of a monthly reflection blog on my website and I really need to journal more to remember my thoughts.
Obu is the CEO of Smart Money Solutions, Money Management Expert, Speaker and Author of two books: ‘Smart Women, Smart Home loans: what your lenders won’t tell you’ and ‘Smart Women, Smart Habits: Powerful practices to create your ideal financial future’. Learn more at