37. Why you need grace in your life…and how to find it

“Life is measured in love and positive contributions and moments of grace.” – Carly Fiorina

So, what exactly is grace, and when was the last time you expressed grace, or were the recipient of grace from someone else?

In this episode I will explore how we can introduce more grace into our lives each day. Listen here >>>

36. What do you want most in life? (and how to get it!)

This month on my blog and socials, I’ve been asking and pondering life’s big questions. Today’s question is:

What do you want most in life?

I selected this question as I’d love to unpack and work through this one with you. I’m also hoping it will really challenge you to not only think deeply about the future, but also reflect on how far you’ve come.

I’ll also present some questions you can ask which will prompt you to identify what you want, as well as some easy goal-setting strategies you can apply today to get you started on the path of acquiring what you want most in life. Listen here >>>

35. The one piece of advice I’d give to everyone

This month on my blog and socials, I’ve been asking and pondering life’s big questions. One I’ve really enjoyed mulling over is:

What piece of advice would you give your younger self?

Picking one piece of advice was TOUGH. So, I narrowed it down to the piece of advice that would apply to everyone, and have the most impact on ALL areas of our life. until I eventually landed on Love Yourself.

Here’s why loving yourself is the most important thing you can do for yourself… Listen here >>>

34. How to get the most out of the books you read

A few years ago, I discovered a hack to read more books.

But now I was reading more books, I was faced with a new problem: I couldn’t remember what I’d read! Because I was reading so many books now, they all had the tendency to blur into one another.

I was also writing my own book, and wanted to recall some of the information I was reading, but didn’t have a specific process for recording this information to use later.

In this episode, I will share the way I overcame mindlessly blasting through more books, to recording and retaining the information I was reading so I could not only use it in my writing, but also apply it to my life. Listen here >>>

33. The best advice from the books I’ve read

In this episode, I share some of the best pieces of advice I’ve acquired from my favourite books (you can read more about them here). 

This list is not in any particular order, and is certainly not exhaustible. Let me know if you enjoy this episode as I would love to create more episodes like this in the future.

These are the top ten books I’d gift to my kids to set them up for life. Listen here >>>

32. How to read more books

“Studies show that there is a direct relationship between your ability to read and your success in life. Skilled readers enjoy better jobs, higher incomes, and greater opportunities for success in all realms of life.” – Jim Kwik, Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life 

Reading is one of the best life skills we can cultivate – for learning and pleasure. Reading is one of the quickest and cost-effective ways to learn anything, or simply entertain ourselves as we step into someone else’s shoes or escape into other worlds.  

Reading gives us knowledge, and knowledge gives us power.

But in such a busy world, how do we make time to read? In this episode, I share my top six tips for consuming more books. Listen here >>>

31. Why batching is one of the best ways to take action (and be more productive!)

In this episode, I share my simple AND effective strategy for getting more done, quicker! Listen here >>>

30. Try my simple method for getting more done, quicker!

In this episode, I share my simple AND effective strategy for getting more done, quicker! Listen here >>>

29. How to take action with goals and habits

In this episode, I discuss how goal setting and habit tracking can help you take action! Listen here >>>

28. What I’ve been taking action on this year

In this episode, I share some of the ways I’ve taken action this year to demonstrate how easy it can actually be to take action – if I can do it so can you! Hopefully I’ll also inspire you by giving you a few ideas how you can take action in your life too! Listen here >>>

27. How to be kind to yourself

In the final episode in our Kindness series, I wanted to discuss the importance of being kind to ourselves. Just like the old oxygen mask analogy, if we’re not kind to ourselves first, it can be more challenging to be kind to other people. Here are some strategies you can use to be kind to yourself… Listen here >>>

26. How to create a Kindness Movement

How can we influence others to be kind?

This is the question I’ll be reflecting on in today.

In the last couple of episodes, I’ve highlighted the importance of kindness, as well as how to be kind to people who are unkind. The next step is encouraging others to be kind too.

As powerful as it is for us to take daily steps to establish our own kindness practice, the real change comes when we do this collectively, and create a Kindness Movement. Here’s how we can do it together… Listen here >>>


25. Why some people are unkind

Why are some people unkind?

This is a question we can often find ourselves asking when, seemingly through no fault of our own, someone is unkind to us.

I thought this was an important question to consider this week as we journey through our month of kindness, because when we’re met with unkindness (which is more often than we’d like), it can leave us feeling discouraged, and wondering what’s the point of being kind to others. But there is a point, here’s why… Listen here >>>

24. The women who have made a difference in my life

Who are the women that have had a positive impact on your life?

In honour of International Women’s Day, I am excited to present this episode, which pays respect to the women who have made a difference in my life. Listen here >>>

23. Why reading with kids matters

Encouraging your kids to read is one of the best things you can do as a parent. Here’s why… Listen here >>>

22. Your essential reading list for the next 12 months

I have such a deep love for reading – it is one of my all-time favourite activities. Last year, I read and listened to 55 books. I don’t for a second underestimate the power reading has on my growth on development. In this episode, I thought it would be helpful to present you with a list of my Top Ten books I’ve read over the last year, and create a Reading List for you for 2023.

There’s only one small problem…whittling my list down to ten was nearly impossible, so I present you with my top 12 books. If you read a book a month, that’s your next 12 months of reading sorted! Listen here >>>

21. Why reading with kids matters

Encouraging your kids to read is one of the best things you can do as a parent. Here’s why… Listen here >>>

20. Cut the commitments

Do you need to cut down on your commitments this year? Listen here >>>

19. What I’m looking forward to in 2023

Welcome to 2023! Here’s what I’m looking forward to this year…

18. What’s an ”unsuccessful” relationship?

Relationships are essential for our personal growth and development. Here’s why…  Listen here >>>

17. How to find joy every day

In this episode I share a story on finding joy every day.  Listen here >>>

16. How to declutter your mind

Need to declutter your mind? Here’s how… Listen here >>>

15. Family Reunions CAN be fun!

In this episode, I’ll be chatting about one of the highlights of our family holiday. Listen here >>>

14. Taking a break

Today’s episode is the first in my mini-series on family, where I’ll be chatting about the benefits of taking a break with family. Listen here>>>

13. A Quick Word: 11 or 2

I’d like to introduce you to A Quick Word – a new podcast format I am trialling in conjunction with my regular episodes of This Year’s Word. A Quick Word will be a shorter podcast episode that will pop in between the longer episodes. These episodes will consist of little stories, observations or lessons I’ve learned. Listen here >>>

12. 40 Life Lessons

This special episode is in honour of my milestone birthday, and includes my list of forty life lessons I’ve learnt so far. Enjoy!  Listen here>>>

11. Love What You Do: What to do when you hate your job

In this episode I talk about a tabu subject, but something I’m sure we’ve all been through – what to do when you hate your job. Listen here >>>

10. Love What You Do: How to figure out what to do with your life

First episode in the next series, Love What You Do. I’ll be covering ‘life after school’, including going to university, starting a first job, and navigating the workplace. Listen here>>>

9. Love the Skin You‘re In: Self-care Essentials

Today I will be talking about self-care essentials, which are activities we must do in our lives in order to maintain optimal health and well-being.  Listen here >>>

8. Love the Skin You‘re In: The Power of Pampering

In today’s episode I continue to explore how to LOVE the skin you’re in by looking at the concept of pampering.  Listen here>>>

7. Love the Skin You‘re In: Look Good, Feel Good

In this episode, I will be talking about the value of spending time on our appearance, and I why I believe how we look is important.  Listen here >>>

6. Love the Skin You‘re In: Getting Physical

In this episode, I will explore the benefits of getting physical and mastering movement when it comes to exercise, and share my personal journey of incorporating exercise into my life. Listen here>>>

5. The Art of Self-Love: Fill your life with experiences, not things

In this episode, I will be talking about the joy of filling your life with experiences, not things, and how experiences can enrich your life. Listen here>>>

4. The Art of Self-Love: When to Quit

In this episode, I will be talking about the controversial “Q” word – Quitting. I’ll be exploring WHY we should we quit something we’ve committed to, and WHEN is the right time to quit. Listen here >>>

3. The Art of Self-Love: Goal Setting

I have been setting goals for a number of years now, and believe they are vital for personal growth. In this episode, I’ll be sharing my top tips on why goals are important, and how to set them. Listen here>>>

2. The Art of Self-Love: Find Your Flow

In this podcast series, I share my Word of the Year experience as I explore the meaning of the word “Love”. 
In Episode 2, Find Your Flow, I talk about the concept of Flow and how you can add more Flow activities in your own life to enhance your self-care practice. Listen here >>>

1. The Journey Begins

In this podcast series, I share my Word of the Year experience as I explore the meaning of the word “Love”. 
In Episode 1, The Journey Begins, I unpack why I chose “Love” as my Word of the year, and how I maximise my Word of the Year experience using journaling. Listen here >>>

0: Foreword

Imagine if a single word could change your life. This was a theory I wanted to test a few years ago when, instead of setting New Year’s resolutions, I selected a Word of the Year to live my life by. In Episode 0 Foreword, I introduce my Word of the Year concept. Listen here >>>

This Year’s Word Podcast

 I am very excited to announce the launch of my new podcast, This Year’s Word
Imagine if a single word could change your life. This was a theory I wanted to test a few years ago when, instead of setting New Year’s resolutions, I selected a Word of the Year to live my life by. 
Join me as I share my Word of the Year experiences with you in this brand new podcast series. Listen here.