FREE TEMPLATE: Weekly Planner

I feel a bit light-headed each time I look at the calendar and realise there are only 8 weeks left of 2020! 

I have some pretty major deadlines to meet before the end of the year, including completing the manuscript of my new book (more on that to come!). 

I usually write my To Do List in notes section of my phone, so it is always with me, but this week I realised I needed to step things up. Because I’m sending a lot of time at my desk, I decided I should revert to a paper list for a couple of reasons:

1. It is always in front of me and will keep me on track when I’m prone to procrastinate. 

2. There is something super rewarding about physically “ticking” something off your list, rather than just deleting it from a note or app on your phone – you can see your progress.

Having set up a template that works for me, I’d love to share it with you, so have created a free printable.  Drop in your email address and I’ll email you the link for the PDF >>>


Let’s crush these last few weeks together and make the most of a challenging year! 

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