JUNE 2010: Drawn from the Inside

A wave of nausea washed over me as I tried to comprehend the statistic – only 150 out of 15,000 children sent to Theresienstadt ghetto during the Second World War survived. With stinging eyes and a lump in my throat, I took some moments to ponder the other statistics:
140,937 – Total number of people deported to Theresienstadt between November 1941 and May 1945.
58,491 – Largest recorded population in Theresienstadt at one time.
33,539 – Total deaths within Theresienstadt.
88,196 – Total number of people deported to the Extermination Camps.
3,097 – Total number of survivors from the Extermination Camps
17,247 – Total number of survivors found in Theresienstadt on 9 May 1945. Read more…

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