How to buy a book as a gift

My dad received at least one book for Christmas every year as a child. In fact, everyone in his family received books for Christmas (among other things). He fondly remembers blistering hot Christmas afternoons spent lounging on the veranda reading his new books after the Christmas lunch dishes had been cleared away. 

I’m pleased to say that dad carried this tradition on in our family and I regularly receive books for my birthday, as well as Christmas. The other lovely thing dad does is write a short inscription with the date in the front cover of the books he gives me. I love looking back at the books I’ve received in the past, as they really reflect what I was into at the time. For example, I received craft books at age 13-14, and a book on Witchcraft at age 15 (anyone remember the move The Craft?!) 

I passionately believe there’s a book for everyone – even those who claim they “don’t read”. Everyone has something they’re interested in, or that they’d like to learn more about, and books can help. Books aren’t always about reading either – there are plenty of inspirational books with high-quality glossy images (enter the Coffee Table Book). This is why books make an excellent gift for everyone. Read more…

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